The Buzz on PRP: A Closer Look at the Excitement in Regenerative Gynecology


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The excitement and buzz around Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy in gynecology, including for conditions like lichen sclerosus, urinary incontinence and infertility, stem from its potential as a regenerative treatment.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a medical treatment act which involves injecting a patient’s own blood platelets into the affected area to promote healing and regeneration. Both FemRenew and First Steps Fertility’s PRP Services can assist with Lichen Sclerosus, Urinary Incontinence, Infertility and Sexual Function. It has long been successful in other areas of medicine to promote generation of new tissue and healing such as in orthopedics and plastic surgery.

Why PRP is gaining popularity in gynecology and infertility, and what happens during treatment. Let’s start with FemRenew PRP injections as a treatment option for women experiencing Thin Endometrium and Recurrent Implantation Failure.

Thin Endometrium

A slender endometrium has been extensively debated for its influence, commonly linked to reduced rates of implantation. Conversely, PRP application presents a straightforward, cost-effective, and minimally invasive approach that has recently emerged for addressing resistant endometrium. Most studies indicate that infusing PRP into the uterus during the endometrial stimulation phase leads to increased endometrial thickness and improved rates of pregnancy.

Recurrent Implantation Failure

Ongoing research focuses on recurrent implantation failure, where poor uterine receptivity appears responsible for more than half of failed pregnancies following IVF transfers. Studies demonstrate that PRP infusion notably enhances endometrial thickness, as well as implantation and ongoing pregnancy rates. The intrauterine introduction of PRP before embryo transfer stands as an exciting addition to the treatment options for addressing implantation failure.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is being explored as a potential aid in the treatment of infertility, particularly in women with certain reproductive challenges. Here’s how PRP might help:

Improving Egg Quality: PRP is thought to contain growth factors that can rejuvenate the ovaries and improve egg quality, which is crucial for successful fertilization and embryo development.

Enhancing Uterine Lining: PRP may help in thickening the uterine lining, making it more receptive to embryo implantation, which is a critical step in achieving pregnancy.

Ovarian Rejuvenation: For women with low ovarian reserves or poor egg quality, PRP injections into the ovaries are believed to stimulate stem cells, potentially improving the quantity and quality of viable eggs.

Assisting IVF Treatments: PRP has been used alongside conventional fertility treatments like In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to potentially increase the success rates, especially in cases of recurrent implantation failure.

Restoring Menstrual Cycles: In some cases, PRP therapy has been reported to restore menstrual cycles, which can be indicative of improved ovarian function and fertility potential.

It’s important to note that while there is clinical success and growing interest in PRP therapy for infertility, the scientific literature on its overall effectiveness is still developing. More research is needed to fully understand the benefits, risks, and mechanisms by which PRP may aid in treating infertility. As always, individuals should consult with fertility specialists like the team at First Steps Fertility to discuss the most appropriate treatment options for their specific circumstances.

In addition to its various applications, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy also offers treatment options for conditions such as Lichen Sclerosus and Urinary Incontinence.

PRP therapy for lichen sclerosus involves injections of platelet-rich plasma into the affected vulvar area. In the treatment of urinary incontinence, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is administered through targeted injections into the walls of the bladder and urethra. The growth factors in the platelets are thought to stimulate mucous regeneration and lesion repair, potentially enhancing the strength and integrity of the pelvic floor muscles and surrounding tissues. This could improve bladder control and offer a novel approach to treating urinary incontinence.

Why the gynecological interest:

Versatility: PRP therapy has shown promise across a spectrum of pelvic floor disorders, not just lichen sclerosus and incontinence, but also sexual dysfunction, pelvic organ prolapse, and more.

Positive Outcomes: Studies have reported improved sexual function, reduced symptoms of urinary incontinence, and enhanced vaginal health post-PRP treatment, suggesting tangible benefits for patients.

Regenerative Potential: PRP contains growth factors that can stimulate cell proliferation and tissue differentiation, which is crucial for repairing damaged tissues and restoring normal function.

Safety Profile: PRP is derived from the patient’s own blood, minimizing the risk of immune rejection. Adverse events are primarily mild and transient, making it a well-tolerated option.

Unmet Needs: Existing treatments for pelvic floor disorders may not be fully satisfactory for all patients. PRP offers a potential alternative that could improve the quality of life for those affected.

Research Support: Recent research supports the efficacy of PRP in managing pelvic floor disorders, which has contributed to the enthusiasm among healthcare providers and patients alike.

How does PRP work?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a medical treatment act which involves injecting a patient’s own blood platelets into the affected area to promote healing and regeneration.

The procedure involves receiving a series of painless microinjections of platelet-rich plasma. Once the platelet-rich plasma is introduced into the patient’s bloodstream, it triggers the release of growth factors.


Draw a Blood Sample

First, a small amount of blood is drawn from your arm.


Prepare the PRP

Using a centrifuge, platelet rich plasma (or PRP) is isolated from the patient’s own blood sample, all within about 3 minutes in the office. The platelets are then “activated” to release at least eight growth factors that would normally be used to heal injured tissue.


Inject the PRP

PRP will be injected after prior application of freezing to avoid discomfort.


Vaginal Tissues are Regenerated

The healing and growth factors cause new cell growth and vascularization to occur over several months. Tissues become more supple, sensitive and elastic. They thicken and produce more lubrication when stimulated.

PRP therapy is emerging as a beacon of hope in gynecology and infertility, offering a natural, innovative approach that harnesses the body’s own healing capabilities to rejuvenate reproductive health and enhance fertility prospects. It’s important to consult with healthcare professionals to understand the potential benefits and risks of PRP therapy for these conditions, as well as to explore other treatment options that may be available.

Contact us today at FemRenew for your gynecological consultation: or visit our website: FemRenew:

For those interested in learning more on how PRP can help with your infertility: Call us at 416- 924-4666 or visit our First Steps Fertility website:

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