What is the
The O-Shot®️️️️️️ is an injectable treatment that addresses a variety of sexual problems for women. From painful intercourse to vaginal dryness to a low sex drive, there are many issues that interfere with sexual wellness. The O-Shot®️️️️️️ was designed to help with these conditions using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from your very own blood. Most women who have tried the O-Shot®️️️️️️ are very happy with the results.
What does the O-Shot®️️️️ do for Sexual Wellness?
- Increases arousal
- Increases sex drive
- Provides smoother, more youthful vaginal skin
- Tightens the vaginal opening
- Increases vaginal lubrication
- Delivers enhanced orgasms
- Offers more sensation during sexual activity
- Helps with vaginal orgasms
- Improves urinary incontinence
- Decreases pain during intercourse

OShot®️️️ treatments at FemRenew
When you arrive for your O-Shot a gentle numbing anesthetic will be applied to the vaginal area to help with any discomfort.
After this, a small amount of blood will be taken from your vein and will be placed inside a device to separate the red blood cells and impurities from the platelet-rich plasma.
Once the plasma is separated, it will be added into a syringe and injected into the numbed area. Every patient has a different pain tolerance, but most women report feeling only minor discomfort. The injection has been compared to the feeling of a pinch.
Most O-Shot appointments last a half hour.
Benefits of O-SHOT® Therapy
- Rejuvenation of the private area: The O-Shot® rejuvenates the private area, potentially improving the overall appearance and function of the vaginal region.
- Increased natural vaginal lubrication: By injecting into specific areas of the vaginal wall, the O-Shot® can stimulate increased natural vaginal lubrication. This can enhance sexual pleasure and alleviate discomfort during intercourse.
- Improved sexual experiences: The O-Shot® can lead to greater arousal from clitoral stimulation, stronger and more frequent orgasms, and decreased pain during sexual intercourse.
- Relief from urinary incontinence: By injecting into specific areas, it may improve the symptoms of urinary incontinence, potentially reducing or eliminating leakage and increasing bladder control.
- Reduced inflammation and improved symptoms of lichen sclerosus: The O-Shot® has been shown to reduce inflammation in the condition known as lichen sclerosus. This can lead to improved symptoms and increased comfort for individuals affected by this condition.
Results for O-SHOT®
60% of women improve after the first O-Shot® and approximately 85% are thrilled after their second O-Shot®. It typically takes about 12 weeks to see the full effect, and some women may require a series of two or three O-Shot® treatments , spaced 8 to 12 weeks in between, to reach their desired potential. After about 8-12 weeks, you’ll notice an improvement in stress urinary incontinence and enhanced pleasure during intercourse. The effects of the O-Shot® last about 12-18 months.

PRP Therapy
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a medical treatment act which involves injecting a patient’s own blood platelets into the affected area to promote healing and regeneration. PRP therapy has been used to treat a variety of conditions, including lichen sclerosis and incontinence.It has long been successful in other areas of medicine to promote generation of new tissue and healing such as in orthopedics and plastic surgery.
FemRenew offers PRP injections as a treatment option for women with vulvar lichen sclerosus. The procedure involves receiving a series of painless microinjections of platelet-rich plasma. Once the platelet-rich plasma is introduced into the patient’s bloodstream, it triggers the release of growth factors. These growth factors naturally stimulate the dermis of the skin, accelerating regeneration of the sclerotic area.
FemRenew’s PRP Services can assist with Lichen Sclerosus, Vistibulitis, Cervical Erosion, Infertility and Sexual Function.
How does PRP work?
Draw a Blood Sample
First, a small amount of blood is drawn from your arm.
Prepare the PRP
Using a centrifuge, platelet rich plasma (or PRP) is isolated from the patient’s own blood sample, all within about 3 minutes in the office. The platelets are then “activated” to release at least eight growth factors that would normally be used to heal injured tissue.
Inject the PRP
PRP will be injected after prior application of freezing to avoid discomfort.
Vaginal Tissues are Regenerated
The healing and growth factors cause new cell growth and vascularization to occur over several months. Tissues become more supple, sensitive and elastic. They thicken and produce more lubrication when stimulated.
OShot®️️️ treatments at FemRenew
When you arrive for your O-Shot a gentle numbing anesthetic will be applied to the vaginal area to help with any discomfort.
After this, a small amount of blood will be taken from your vein and will be placed inside a device to separate the red blood cells and impurities from the platelet-rich plasma.
Once the plasma is separated, it will be added into a syringe and injected into the numbed area. Every patient has a different pain tolerance, but most women report feeling only minor discomfort. The injection has been compared to the feeling of a pinch.
Most O-Shot appointments last a half hour.